Traer's electric needs are provided by several avenues; energy purchased under contract, energy purchased from the wholesale markets, wind turbines, and solar panels. This combination of energy sources ensures that we will be self-sufficient to generate and administer our electric demands well into the future.
We harness the energy of the wind to provide 40% of our energy uses. We capture energy from the sun to provide less than 1% of our energy uses. The remainder of our electric power comes from power purchased from RPGI (Resale Power Group of Iowa). RPGI is a joint action agency with 26 members that provides both contract and wholesale energy to its members.

Routine blade maintenance on the turbine

Electrical utility system

Electrical utility system

Electrical utility system - our generators

Electrical utility system - our wind turbine

Electrical utility system - our solar panels
Traer is fortunate to own and operate its own local electric utility for these reasons:
Local Control
Decisions made about the rates for electric service and the operations of the utility are made by local people that meet right here in town at monthly meetings. These meetings are open to the public.
Local Ownership
Because the utility is locally owned the money you spend on utility service stays in town and benefits the community.
Community Support
Support was provided for the library renovation, Traer Theater, for the addition of lots in Prairie West, and for the pool. The street lights are maintained at no cost to the city. Over a 5 year period, the utilities spent nearly $800,000 for goods and services from local merchants. In addition, the utility makes payments to the City in the amount of $120,000 annually. This payment is referred to as a payment in lieu of taxes. Local people are employed to run the utility and because they are local, the response time to calls for help or emergencies is a fraction of what it could otherwise be.
The 2018-2019 Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) has been established to help qualifying low-income Iowa homeowners and renters pay for a portion of their primary heating costs for the winter heating season. The assistance is based on household income, household size, type of fuel, and type of housing.
“PS” is Project Share – a program that assists needy households in paying their winter energy bills. You can help this effort by adding a regular Project Share contribution to your utility payment, or by making a direct donation to Project Share. These funds are distributed to your neighbors in need.
If you’re planning to build or move a grain bin, either on your property or for someone else, you need to be familiar with Iowa’s law on required distances from overhead electric lines.